Video in Russian. Use subtitles.
Text instruction
1) Download MT5 from here - Download the utility from here -
3) Download the executable file from here -
4) Enable MT5. In the 1st item on the link you can download the portable version of the program, it does not require installation. You can turn it on right away
5) Next, most likely MT5 will start on its own and you will see the chart at once. The sign that the terminal has connected to the market will be this thing with green bars and the number of loaded packages.
If it does not exist, go to “file” - “open an account”. And there select opening a demo account
After that you need to look at the top left, the number of the demo account, which is connected to the terminal.
Send the admin the number of this account. Here is the link to the admin He will contact the developer and he will send your copy, with a link to the account, which will work only for you. There are no other options)
6) You need to install the WinDef file that you downloaded in step 3.
To do this, go to the data directory, then to the folder - MQL5 - Include. Copy the WinDef file there.

7) Load the indicator into the data directory in the Indicators folder.
Go to the data directory, to the Indicators folder and copy the indicator I gave you. Reboot MT5
8) Drag the indicator DM BO AutoClick 1.5 to the chart field, allow DLL import.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that the Binary Options broker's website is open and visible to you and the program. It is best to place the terminal with the clicker on the left and the broker on the right. This way it will be comfortable. Approximately like this
9) Set the coordinates where to poke. To do this, you will need the utility from point 2. Just run it and see the coordinates in the bottom line.
I will show you the example of the Pocket Option broker
Top left corner for each button. Up and down.
Up is buy. Down is sell. For our example, the coordinates of the buy button X=3146, Y=614.
Enter them into the indicator parameters
Same thing for the second button.
And then you set the dimensions of the button. Width and height. Here everything is elementary. Move the cursor to the opposite corner, see what coordinate is there and subtract it from the coordinate of the upper left corner. You can do it on your fingers or counting or calculator. I did it in my mind for example, it turned out to be 110. If we are talking about the width of the button, then you need to look at the X coordinate. And subtract the X coordinate of the right corner of the button from the X coordinate of the left corner of the same button.

The same thing vertically. Only there you need to look at Y coordinates)))).
Click OK. And that's it.